Sunday, September 6, 2009

DESDE LA KAFETA DE LESBIANAS Y MUJERES cada jueves / Women and lesbian cafe every Thursday

Desde 2 Anos estamos participando y autogestionando una kafeta por y para lesbianas y mujeres cada jueves en CSOA La Revoltosa en Barcelona. Algunas actividades que hacemos en la kafeta son: debates, charlas, talleres, cine, fiestas y comedores. si tienes interes en la kafeta puedes mirar los horarios y actividades en infousurpa .

For 2 years we have been participating and diy organizing a cafe for and by lesbians in the squatted social center La Revoltosa in Barcelona. Some of the activities that we do there include: discussion groups, presentations, talks, movies, parties, and food. If you are interested in the cafe you can look at the schedule and activities on the infosurpa

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